How to Access Public Records for Free

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If you are making your family tree or trying to reconnect with long lost family members, you are probably wondering how to find birth records in the United States.

You need to know a few details about the relative you are searching for in order to find and access their US birth certificate.

You will need the following basics, although the more information you have, the easier it will make your search:

Public Versus Closed Birth Records

When you know the birth state of the relative whose birth record you’re searching for, you’ll find out whether the record is public —and, therefore, easier to access.

While each state has its own public records law, the vast majority keep birth records closed for 75 years, and death certificates for 25 years.

After that time both birth and death records become public. Public records can be easily accessed by anyone. We´ll get into _how _in the next section.

Protected or closed birth certificates are only available to eligible individuals. Qualified family members can fill out a simple birth certificate application online to obtain a replacement of a birth certificate in states where birth records are closed.

Furthermore, in states such as Illinois, where birth records are closed, applicants are asked to submit valid government-issued identification documents to prove their identity and relationship to the record holder.

Where To Find Public Birth Records

The vast majority of public records available like birth certificate records and other vital records such as death certificates or marriage certificates are maintained at the local level. That is, in the city, county, and state where the event took place.

There are extensive resources available online that can help you quickly help find birth records or locate other types of public records. Some examples include:

In most cases, when the records are public, you will be able to view a birth certificate for free, the same applies when trying to view a death certificate. Nevertheless, obtaining a printed copy may carry a fee.

If you need a legally-valid copy of a birth certificate and know the certificate holder’s basic details, you may order a certified copy of the birth certificate online.

How Long Are Birth Records Kept?

Vital records offices keep birth records for roughly 80 to 120 years. Most vital records —including birth certificates— are available for printed copies to be issued a few weeks after the event is recorded and are easy to obtain online.

Please note that recent records may be restricted to immediate family members or persons with a proven tangible interest —especially in states with closed birth records.

Older records are generally available with fewer restrictions and are usually kept in the state archives. Records from the 17th and 18th centuries may be available at local historical societies.

When Did Each State Start Recording Birth Records?

Most US state bureaus began recording births and deaths around the early 1900s —although some have earlier records, as early as the 1600s.

In certain states, birth records go back much further making it easy to find public records online. Most vital records are maintained by the Department of Health of the US state where the event took place.

The table below compiles the dates at which birth records began being recorded in each state, along with other vital records such as death, marriage, and divorce records. For information on vital records before the dates below, please contact the town where the vital event occurred:

Vital records availability by State
State Birth Records Death Records Marriage Records Divorce Records
Alabama January 1908 January 1908 August 1936 January 1950
Alaska Since 1890s. However, many events before 1930 were never registered with the Bureau Since 1890s. However, many events before 1930 were never registered with the Bureau Since 1890s. However, many events before 1930 were never registered with the Bureau 1950
Arizona July 1909 July 1909
Arkansas Since February 1914, and some original Little Rock and Fort Smith records from 1881 Since February 1914, and some original Little Rock and Fort Smith records from 1881 Since 1917 Since 1923
California July 1905 July 1905 State office only has indexes for public marriage certificates that occurred from 1905-2001 and 2010 to present Vital Records only has information for divorces that were filed with the court between 1962 and June, 1984
Colorado Since 1910 Since 1900
Connecticut Since July 1, 1897 Since July 1, 1897 Since July 1, 1897 Since July 1, 1897
Delaware Since 1942 Since 1974 Since 1974 Since 1935
District of Columbia Since 1874 Since 1855 Since 1810 Since 1810
Florida Limited birth records dating back to 1850. The majority of records date from 1917 Limited birth records dating back to 1850. The majority of records date from 1917 Since June 6, 1927 Since June 6, 1927
Georgia Since January 1919 Since January 1919 Since June 9, 1952
Hawaii Since 1909 Since 1896 Since 1909 From July 1951 to December 2002
Idaho Since July 1911 Since July 1911 Since May 1947 Since May 1947
Illinois Since January 1916 Since January 1916 Since january 1962 Since January 1962
Indiana Since October 1907 Since January 1900 Since 1958
Iowa Since July 1880 Since July 1880 Since July 1880
Kansas Since July 1911 Since July 1911 Since May 1913 Since July 1951
Kentucky Since January 1911 Since January 1911 Since June 1958 Since June 1958
Louisiana Since 1918 Since 1918 Since 1978 Since 1978
Maine Since 1923 Since 1923 Since 1923 Since 1923
Maryland Since January 1875 Since 1969 Since January 1990 since January, 1992
Massachusetts Since 1926 Since 1926 Since 1926 Since 1952
Michigan Since 1867 Since 1867 Since 1867 Since 1897
Minnesota Since January 1900 Since January 1908
Mississippi Since 1912 Since 1912 Statistical records only from January 1926 to July 1, 1938, and since January 1942 Since January 1926
Missouri Since January 1910 Since January 1910 Since July 1948 Since July 1948
Montana Since 1907 Since 1907 Since July 1943 Since July 1943
Nebraska Since 1904 Since 1904 Since January 1909 Since January 1909
Nevada Since July 1911 Since July 1911 Since January 1968 Since January 1968
New Hampshire Since 1631 Since 1654 Since 1652
New Jersey Since 1918 Since 1918 Since 1918
New Mexico Since 1920 and delayed records since 1880 Since 1920 and delayed records since 1880
New York State Since 1880 Since 1881 Since 1881 Since January 1963
New York City Since 1910 Since 1949 Since 1950
North Carolina Since October 1913 Since 1930 Since 1962 Since 1958
North Dakota Since 1870 Since July 1893
Ohio Since December 20, 1908 Since January 1, 1964
Oklahoma Since October 1908 Since October 1908
Oregon Since 1903 Since 1903 Since 1911 Since 1925
Pennsylvania Since January, 1906 Since January, 1906
Rhode Island Since 1918 Since 1918
South Carolina Since January 1915 Since January 1915 Since July 1950 Since July 1962
South Dakota Since July 1905 Since July 1905 Since July 1905 Since July 1905
Tennessee Since January 1914 Vital Records Office keeps death records for 50 years Vital Records Office keeps marriage records for 50 years Vital Records Office keeps divorce records for 50 years
Texas Since 1903 Since 1903 Since January 1966 Since January 1968
Utah Since 1905 Since 1905 Since 1978 Since 1978
Vermont State office has records for the most recent 5 year State office has records for the most recent 5 year State office has records for the most recent 5 year State office has records for the most recent 5 year
Virginia State office has records from January 1853 to December 1896 and since June 14, 1912 State office has records from January 1853 to December 1896 and since June 14, 1912 Since January 1853 Since January 1918
Washington Since July 1, 1907 Since July 1, 1907 Since January 1968 Since January 1968
West Virginia Since 1917 Since 1917 Since 1921 Since 1968
Wisconsin Since October 1907 since October 1907 Since October 1907 Since October 1907
Wyoming since July 1909 Vital Records Office keeps death records for 50 years Vital Records Office keeps death records for 50 years Vital Records Office keeps death records for 50 years