Alaska pawnshop act title loan laws

The Alaska State Legislature

SSHB 258: "An Act relating to pawnbrokers and the exemption for pawnbrokers under the Alaska Small Loans Act; and providing for an effective date."


An Act relating to pawnbrokers and the exemption for pawnbrokers under the Alaska AS 06.20.330(b) is amended to read: (1) [PAWNBROKERS OR] loan shops where separate and individual ; or (2) a person who is regulated under AS 08.76.100 - 08.76.590. * Sec. 2. AS 08.01.010 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: AS 08.76.010 is amended to read: Sec. 08.76.010. Transactions to be entered in book kept at place of business. A person engaged in the business of buying and selling secondhand articles, or a

person regulated by AS 08.76.100 - 08.76.590, shall maintain a book, in permanent , and address of the customer; , for any firearm, watch, camera, or optical equipment AS 08.76.020 is amended to read: Sec. 08.76.020. Manner of recording entry. The entries under AS 08.76.010 AS 08.76 is amended by adding new sections to read: Article 2. Licensing and Regulation of Pawnbrokers. Sec. 08.76.100. Licensing required. (a) A person may not engage in business The department may issue a license AS 08.01.060;

AS 08.01.065; and AS 08.76.120. Sec. 08.76.120. Investigation fee. Notwithstanding AS 08.01.065, a person AS 08.76.130. Sec. 08.76.130. Withdrawal of application. The department may consider (a) A license is valid for AS 08.01.100. The renewal fee must AS 08.76.110(5). AS 08.01.100(b), if a person fails to renew a license AS 08.76.110. Sec. 08.76.150. Biennial report. (a) A licensee shall file a biennial report with

AS 08.76.370 and 08.76.380. AS 08.76.470, a report submitted under (a) of this AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.220. Sec. 08.76.160. Amount financed. Except for the limitations in AS 08.76.210 (a) A pawnbroker (a) A pawnbroker shall

. The records required by AS 08.76.180 must appear in chronological order and, if made in a book, in ink or A pawnbroker shall provide to a (a) Except as provided in AS 08.76.280, for each (a) Except as provided in

span providing reports to law enforcement officers, paying expenses, providing other A pawnbroker may not sell to a pledgor or A pawnbroker shall return A pawnbroker and a pledgor may AS 08.76.270(b), but each A pawnbroker shall store (a) Unless there is a hold order on the pledged AS 08.76.370 or 08.76.380, AS 08.76.400, a pledgor may redeem AS 08.76.250. A pledgor may

AS 08.76.250. AS 08.76.370 or 08.76.380, AS 08.76.370 or 08.76.380 for redemption. A pawnbroker shall waive the unpaid AS 08.76.320 - 08.76.380, the pledged property that is the subject of the A pawnbroker may

Sec. 08.76.300. Waiver prohibited. A pawnbroker may not require or allow a A pawnbroker may not knowingly employ a (a) When a law enforcement (a) When property in the possession A hold order must be in

(a) A police hold order may The department may (a) If a person believes that property in the

AS 08.76.380, a pawnbroker may not, for 30 days If a claimant and a pawnbroker do not AS 08.76.370, the claimant may bring an action in superior court to require the A pledgor or seller of property to a AS 08.76.380, (a) If property in the possession

(a) A pawnbroker shall provide a AS 40.25.100 - 40.25.220, (a) A law enforcement

(a) A pawnbroker shall (a) The department may, after notice to the licensee If a licensee, or an officer, agent, or employee of a A person who violates AS 08.76.100 - The department shall aggregate the (a) Subject to (b) of this section, a AS 29 to enact ordinances regulating AS 08.76.290(2). (a) The department may adopt regulations to This chapter does not apply to AS 06, including a commercial bank, savings bank, credit union, AS 06.50; or In AS 08.76.100 - 08.76.590, AS 08.76.150; AS 08.76.370; AS 08.76.330; AS 08.76.270(b) to retain possession of AS 11.81.900; AS 08.76.410; AS 08.76.110;

AS 08.76.320;

AS 08.76.270; AS 08.76.040 is repealed. * Sec. 7. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to AS 08.01.080 and AS 08.76.490, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act, necessary to implement this Act. The regulations AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), but not before July 1, 2009. * Sec. 8. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to pays a fee established by the department under AS 08.01.065. AS 08.76.590, enacted by sec. 5 of this AS 08.76.590, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act; AS 08.76.590, enacted by sec. 5 of

The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to AS 08.76.150, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act, shall be submitted on or AS 08.76.150, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act, until the municipal licensee receives a license. AS 08.76.590, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act; AS 08.76.590, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act. * Sec. 10. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to AS 08.76.480, enacted by sec. 5 of this Act, is void. * Sec. 11. Section 7 of this Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c). * Sec. 12. Except as provided in sec. 11 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 2009.