About North West Cambridge

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White icon - planning

How can I view the North West Cambridge applications?

The easiest way for you to view the plans is to visit and search for the planning applications using the application reference number:

If you do not have internet access, you can also view the plans at our office between 9am and 5pm weekdays.


2008 - Independent Inspectors advised us we had not identified sufficient land to meet our housing requirements of 20,000 new homes between 1999 and 2016. They concluded the shortfall must be made up through new sites in the Council's Site Specific Policies Development Plan Document (DPD). The Darwin Green site was extended to the north west to make up part of this shortfall.

2010 - North West Cambridge Area Action Plan adopted
August 2012 – Outline application approved

2013 – Section 73 approved (13/1402/S73, S/2036/13/VC)

2013 - University granted outline planning permission for the masterplan for the 150 hectare site

Present – Work has started on BDW1 (Darwin Green phase 1), an outline application is currently being brought forward for Darwin Green phase 2 and 3. Building on The University Site is well under way and many residents have already moved in.