City Attorney's Office

The mission of the City Attorney is to do excellent legal work, efficiently and cost-effectively. As advisors to City officials and staff, to provide timely and complete assistance. As advocates, to represent the City and its employees vigorously and fairly. As prosecutors, to diligently and justly enforce the law on behalf of the People of California.

Per the Santa Monica City Charter, the City Attorney’s Office represents and advises the City Council and all City officials pertaining to their official duties. The City Attorney’s Office also prosecutes criminal cases against those accused of committing state and local misdemeanor offenses. The City Attorney’s Office also defends the City, City employees, and Councilmembers in civil lawsuits.

Here are some helpful links and contact information for services in Santa Monica.

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Top Resources

Santa Monica Municipal Code

The City Charter and Municipal Ordinances.

California Legislative Information

Review and track California legislation and search current law.

Consumer and Housing Protection

Learn more about a variety of local and state laws that assure that Santa Monica businesses treat all of their customers fairly.

Petitions for Abandonment of Interment Properties

Find the latest information and updates.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Learn more about our commitment to continuously develop a diverse and productive workforce.


Litigation Unit

The Litigation Unit defends the City against lawsuits seeking damages.

Criminal Prosecution Unit

The Criminal Prosecution Unit prosecutes a wide variety of cases ranging from domestic abuse, drunk driving, and burglaries, to minor infractions. The division also helps crime victims obtain restitution.

Advisory Unit

The Advisory Unit drafts local laws and defends lawsuits about them. It provides a broad range of advisory and transactional services for the City and represents the City in civil cases involving planning and land use, housing, environmental issues and contract and business disputes.

Consumer Protection Unit

The Consumer Protection Unit enforces a wide range of municipal code provisions intended to improve the quality of life for all Santa Monica residents and visitors.

Related News

Press Release

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City files nuisance abatement action against Pavilions Motel owners
May 20, 2024 1:44 PM

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Addressing Homelessness: City continues innovative approaches to preventing and addressing homelessness
May 14, 2024 8:02 PM

Douglas Sloan
Santa Monica City Attorney's Office provides update on Senate Bill 9
May 2, 2024 3:20 PM Press Release

Tati Simonian
Symposium on fair housing laws and youth poster contest finalists announced
April 18, 2024 12:00 PM Press Release

Tati Simonian
Council approves added renter protections to combat rising evictions
January 24, 2024 4:31 PM


Can the City Attorney’s Office help me?

Thank you for reaching out to the Santa Monica City Attorney’s Office. Unfortunately, the Office is not able to provide private residents legal advice or represent members of the public in legal matters. Per the Santa Monica City Charter, the City Attorney’s Office represents and advises the City Council and all City officials pertaining to their official duties. The City Attorney’s Office also prosecutes criminal cases against those accused of committing state and local misdemeanor offenses. The City Attorney’s Office also defends the City, City employees, and Councilmembers in civil lawsuits. The advice provided to the City Council and City officials is confidential and attorney-client privileged, and will not be shared with the public, absent official direction from the Council to do so. The City prosecutors are legally bound to exercise prosecutorial discretion in determining which criminal cases to file, and typically will not discuss such matters with members of the public, outside an official investigation.

Generally, the City Attorney’s Office does not meet with members of the public to discuss legal matters pertaining to current litigation, involving criminal defendants, or potential lawsuits involving the City.

Here are some resources that may be able to answer your questions:

1. If you believe you are the victim of a crime or witness to a crime that took place in Santa Monica, contact the Santa Monica Police Department at the non-emergency number (310) 458-8491, or call 911 if it is an emergency. Additionally, you may contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department at (310) 482-6000 or the Federal Bureau of Investigation at (310) 477-6565. Nearly all criminal investigations must first begin with someone making a police report.

2. If you believe you have a claim against the City, you may file a claim form with the City’s Risk Department. A copy of the claim form as well as information about the claims process is available on the City’s website: Claim Form.

3. If you believe a residential landlord is violating the law with respect to your tenancy or a tenancy you sought and were denied and the unit is subject to the City’s rent control laws, you may contact the Consumer Protection Unit of the City Attorney’s Office through our 311 resource at (866) 311-7266. For FAQs for the Unit please see the link Consumer FAQ or the City’s Rent Control Board at Rent Control.

4. If you would like to report substandard building conditions or nuisance activity concerning a property located in Santa Monica, you may contact the City’s Code Enforcement Department at (310) 458-4984 to initiate a complaint. The Los Angeles Health Department phone number is (310) 410-3400; complaint form: LA Health Dept Complaint.

5. If you have concerns about Santa Monica Police Department conduct, you may file a complaint with the Police Department’s Internal Affairs at (310) 458-8480 or Complaint SMPD.

6. If you have a private dispute with a neighbor or another member of the community, you may have available a civil remedy, which you may pursue yourself or with the assistance of a private attorney. The Los Angeles County Bar Association has an attorney referral service at Attorney Referrals. The Los Angeles Legal Aid Foundation also provides attorney referrals at (310) 899-6200, website: LAFLA.

7. If you have a concern about a violation of State law regarding elections, conflicts of interest, or gift reporting, you may contact the Fair Political Practices Commission at FPPC or the Los Angeles County District Attorney at LA District Atty.

How can I serve a subpoena or lawsuit on the City?

The Office of the City Clerk is the agent for service of process for the City of Santa Monica. Subpoenas for City records should be served on the Office of the City Clerk. The Office of the City Clerk is located at 1685 Main Street, Room 102. Subpoenas for police records should be served on the Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD). Subpoenas for the appearance of City employees in matters related to the City should be served at the employees' department. All witness and record fees required under California law must be tendered with the subpoena.

How can I submit a claim against the City?

Claims against the City must be mailed or delivered to the Office of the City Clerk. Claims for death, injury to person or to personal property must be filed within six months after the occurrence. Claims for damages to real property must be filed within one year after the occurrence (Government Code Section 911.2). Disability related assistance and alternative formats are available upon request. The Office of the City Clerk can be reached at (310) 458-8374.

Where can I find the City’s Salary Schedule?

Click here to access the City's Salary Schedule.

Where can I find the Settlement Agreement approved by Council on May 9, 2023 regarding the Builder’s Remedy?

The Settlement Agreement can be found here.

What employee benefits does the City offer?

The City of Santa Monia employee benefits can be found here.

Are there current employment opportunities in the City Attorney’s Office?

The City Attorney’s Office job page is here.