Instructions for Form 4017 - Articles of Dissolution

Indicate the corporate name. If you want to verify the exact name of the corporation, you can find it using the Corporations Canada online database.

Item 2: Corporation number

Indicate the corporation number. You will find the corporation number on the certificate of incorporation, amalgamation or continuance. You can also find it using the Corporations Canada online database.

Item 3: Status of the corporation

A bankrupt or insolvent corporation can only apply to dissolve three years after the trustee in bankruptcy or receiver has been discharged.

To proceed with dissolution you must confirm that either:

  1. the corporation is not bankrupt or insolvent; or
  2. if the corporation is bankrupt or insolvent, it has been at least three years since the trustee in bankruptcy or the receiver has been discharged.

Item 4: Legislative authority to dissolve the corporation

There are four situations in which a corporation can dissolve:

  1. the corporation has not commenced activities, has never issued any memberships and has no property or liabilities (subsection 220(1))
  2. the corporation has issued memberships, but has never had any property or liabilities (subsection 220(2))
  3. the corporation has issued memberships and the disposal of property and the discharge of liabilities has been completed (subsection 220(3))
  4. the corporation has issued memberships and has property and/or liabilities to be dealt with (section 221).

Indicate which of the four situations apply to your corporation. You may only choose one.


In order to apply for dissolution under 4D – section 221 – the corporation must have requested and received a Certificate of Intent to Dissolve from Corporations Canada. For more information on applying for a Certificate of Intent to Dissolve see the instructions for Form 4019: Statement of Intent to Dissolve.

Item 5: Custody of corporate documents and records

All dissolving corporations must indicate a person who will have custody of the corporate records for six years after dissolution. If the person, or their contact information, changes within the six years after the dissolution date, Corporations Canada must be advised in writing.

Item 6: Declaration

This form must be signed by either a director or an authorized officer of the corporation. Please print the name and indicate the telephone number of the signatory.

More Information

For more information, consult: Dissolving a Not-for-profit Corporation or call toll-free (within Canada) 1-866-333-5556 or (from outside Canada) 613-941-9042.